We are a small team of friends and colleagues who have been involved in running events to raise money for Cancer Research UK. We are always looking for new people to help. Everyone who supports Cancer Research UK usually has a personal reason for doing so. No matter if you can’t offer much time to attend meetings. Could you help sell tickets, use your contacts to find us sponsorship or maybe help us find prizes or items to auction? Just send us an email.

About Us

Deborah Barleggs

Deborah Barleggs Deborah Barleggs has been helping raise funds for Cancer Research UK since 2004. She believes in the work of the charity and has got great satisfaction from ‘doing her bit’. Deborah acts as the current Chair, bringing some focus and direction to a creative, enthusiastic and resourceful team. When not fundraising Deborah keeps busy as a management consultant and coaching psychologist helping organisations and individuals at work achieve their goals. Beyond the immediate team we have plenty of ‘friends’ of CRUK Sussex Fundraisers that help us source wonderful prizes, sell tickets to our events and give us morale support and ideas. If you’d like to become one of our supporters or join CRUKSussex Fundraisers do give me a call on 07788 670505 or email me

Chris Baldwin

Chris Baldwin has recently taken on the role of Treasurer but has been supporting events organised by the committee for the last 8 years. Chris works as an IT Consultant within the finance sector and loves a good spreadsheet to keep the finances in order. With two young children, spare time is in short supply, but when there is some he enjoys motorcycling and photography.

Sharon Baldwin

Sharon Baldwin works for Cancer Research UK as an Area Volunteer Manager, looking after those who volunteer for the charity in Sussex. Sharon enjoyed working with this team so much that she joined the committee as a volunteer during her maternity leave in 2006 and is still here! Sharon enjoys all things related to food, and loves to cook. Recently she has started to learn to play Saxophone and also finds a bit of time to read and tend a small vegetable patch.

Jane Wickens

Jane Wickens Jane Wickens has been raising money for Cancer Research UK for almost 20 years. She started helping to organise the Rock and Roll Ball when her eldest daughter Kirby was born, and 18 years later Kirby has joined the committee herself! Fundraising has always been a family affair with her youngest daughter, who is a musician, playing at many of the events.

Kirby Wickens

Jane Wickens Kirby Wickens has helped out with fundraising for a few years and has enjoyed it so much that she has felt ready to join the committee full time. She will soon be starting a new job with an event company after finishing her degree in Psychology at Cardiff University, and is keen to carry on raising money in her spare time.

Sarah Reed

Jane Wickens Sarah Reed is the younger sister of Deborah – CRUKSussex Fundraisers current Chair. Running a business in construction (often seen as a “man’s world“) is tough but not so much for someone with Sarah’s determination! Having helped behind the scenes for a few months, Sarah is delighted to officially join the Team and to spend more time raising awareness and funds for Cancer Research UK. Sarah has lost friends and family to cancer and until recently struggled with how to channel her experiences into something positive. She now relishes the chance to have a cause to strive for and put her heart, and skills, into.

Committee Contact Info

On our committee Cancer Research UK is represented by:
Sharon Baldwin
Cancer Research UK
Community Fundraising Office
3rd Floor, North Point
North Street
West Sussex
RH12 1GX